Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I Can't Save Them

God I see all their hurt and pain
they go through so much its insane
I want to save them from their hell
and give them water from the well.
You can lead a horse but you can't make it drink
but God! I can't let them sink!
You're not doing your job! They're not going to heaven!
I'll do it all then, I will just save them!

It's not working!
They're still suffering!
I tried to make their lives worth living.
God where are you? Why aren't you helping?
Their lives are like flowers, dying, wilting.
What do I do? What do I say?
To make them love you the way
I know that they were made to.
That's something only you can do.

Who am I to play God?
It just makes me a fraud.
So I give this one to you
and hope you can forgive me too.
For I am no better but you still love me.

Oh! I got it! That's what they need to see
Just how much you love them, that's the key!

1 comment:

  1. Love conquers all and opens doors for God to speak through love to witness to someone else. Sometimes our trust in God for our everyday lives speaks volumes to those who are watching to see how we live out what we believe. I like your poem, I had no idea you wrote. :)
