Saturday, April 11, 2015

It's Different This Time

I going to be honest 
I'm scared of commitment 
I'm scared of that question 
The question that'll change my life in a moment.

I don't want to hurt you 
And I don't want to get hurt 
And what if it costs more than it's worth?
What if it just doesn't work?
And what if we lose everything we've got?

But what if its worth a shot?

How do you know when to stop
To finally just give it all you've got 
To trust with all your heart 
And believe in something that could tear you apart?

Why is it so hard to jump?
Why is it so hard to trust?
Why is it so hard? 

Dang it! 
The feelings come and go 
One day I'm fine
The next day I'm torn. 

I feel like we can conquer. 
Then I feel like you're not it. 
I feel like I'm desperate and 
That's all this is.

Are we just desperate?
Desperate for someone, 
Someone to hold 
and call our own. 

Can I just fast forward 
To a few years down the road 
When we know what we are 
and where we're to go? 

When I'm either in your arms 
or up the road,
With new people 
and new places to go, 
In a different town
that I'll eventually get to know. 

Can we just get to the point?
Can we skip the wisdom
and the lessons to be taught?
Can we just find our spot 
In each others lives 
Together or not?