Monday, June 29, 2015

What does love look like?

We live in a world were media tells you what love is.
They abuse it, overdue it, show it off
and completely confuse it.
Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty
all put an idea in my head of what it could be
but God I don't know what it should be.

I think I might have found it
but I don't know
because this world has put in my head
some distorted expectation
of a tingling sensation
that's suppose to be love.

Sometimes I overthink it
and dream of a love that's completely perfect
but what we forget is
not a thing in this world
can be labeled like that.

Am I wrong to expect something more?
Am I wrong to think you don't adore me
the way I think I suppose to be?
Is it wrong to think love looks different than this?
I think I'm believing the lies culture gives to us.

I'm just so confused as to what love is.
What its suppose to look like and how its suppose to be.
Is there such thing as true love and if so is this what it'll be.

Oh but the love of a father,
the love of a creator
that is far better than we can ever imagine.

When we focus on a love greater
than what we know in this world,
love in this world becomes easier.

When we realize we are capable of loving
because love himself is in us,
it changes the way we love.

Love on this earth is merely a gift form above.
It's one of many ways the Lord shows he loves us.
He gives us the opportunity to
enjoy life with someone else while
we pursue and worship him.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


The guilt residing is slowly seeping into my unsatisfied self centered heart. 
I'm beginning to see the lack of self- discipline designed to delicately direct my destiny.
It's difficult to recognize the rebellious reasoning that reality recurrently racks in my mind. 
Oh Lord I continue to fail at this logical list of liberating guidelines and I feel like a failure for forgetting the fatherly love that follows the free will fortunately given. 
Help me to do this right, help me do this to glorify your notable name 
Help me to not screw up the most precious thing you've given me 
Help me Lord to do this the way you envision it 
Pure and guilt free. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

That Place

Your presence oh God I long for
I strive for your touch
You bring joy to my voice 
And life to my lungs

You pick me up and twirl me 
You bring new praises to my lips.
You bring tears in my eyes and put laughter in my chest. 

You are my best friend, 
my world, 
And everything I long for.
You bring peace of mind 
and energy to my bones.
You bring my dead spirit to life. 

You are my hearts desire. 
You're everything I've been searching for.
You know every part and every detail of my past. 
You know my future 
and yet your love is so vast.

I reach up to you 
Earnestly wanting your touch. 
Like a child to its parent,
I'm desperate for your love. 

I give you all of me 
All my desires and plans 
I give them all to you.

You wipe off all my shame 
You take off my burdens and my chains.
You wash off my scars and make me new.
And my past is of no remembrance to you.

I give you all of my being 
Oh Lord how I love your presence
You are my reason for living.